Thursday, June 30, 2005

Today, while walking back to Logos from Starbucks a young girl about my age stopped me and asked me for some money for food. I've seen her around a couple times before asking for a handout. At first I was going to say no like I usually do, but something stopped me. I didn't just want to give her money in case she was going to by something other than food. So I asked her what she wanted and we went into Bandito's Burritos to by a taco or something. After I paid I was basically like "well have a nice day see you around." I went walking around a bit more and then went up to my car to grab a book. I suddenly started feeling so disgusted with myself; here was a perfect opportunity to share God's love with someone who was hurting. I started back to Bandito's. I was half wishing she would be there and half wishing she wouldn't be. She was.

I pulled up a chair and just started talking. I found out she is homeless, she sometimes will go to the Mission, but she said she didn't like the way they would "force" religion on you. I asked her a couple questions about what she thought of God and the Bible. She basically believes in reincarnation and that the people who wrote the Bible were just copying off other people’s religions. After hearing her side of the story I told her what I believed. As soon as I got into the Salvation part, she was like "Um, I have to go now."

I wish there was more I could have said, but God is sovereign and I need to trust Him. While she was hurrying out the door I encouraged her to go back to the Mission and to ask one of the ladies in charge there exactly what it was that they believed. She nodded her head and mumbled something and then she was gone.

I know I'm going to see her around here again. Please pray that I will have the courage to say what needs to be said and for her to truly open her heart to the Gospel.


At 5:59 PM, Blogger Jillian said...

I DEFINATELY will be praying for you. I know how scary it is to be in that situation, and I am SO proud of you for doing the brave thing!

At 12:34 AM, Blogger Kristi said...

Oh honey, I'm so proud of you!! I remember talking with you about this subject of witnessing a while back--how we both wanted to do it more. Praise God!
And guess what? I had an opportunity to witness to one of the patients in the E.R. last Sunday!!
Let's keep praying for each other! Keep it up!

At 4:51 PM, Blogger Balvanz said...

Way to be bold with the gospel, Kimi. God is so good to bring opportunities to witness to unbelievers. May He richly bless you for your boldness in sharing the truth, and may He bring more opportunities to do so! I'll pray for you and the girl you witnessed to. Keep up the good work!! ~ Abigail

At 10:27 PM, Blogger Balvanz said...

Kimi, please remind Lydia that I will be writing a post concerning my case against the Anne of Green Gables books. I'll try to do it when I get back from camp in a few weeks. :)


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