Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Goodbyes the Saddest Word I'll Ever Hear.....

My sister Karin is gone as of 8:20 Monday morning. I can't believe she is really in Pensacola FL; I miss her so much already. The morning when we said goodbye I was sorta numb, I didn't want to start crying in front of her which would then make her cry and set of a chain reaction for the rest of the family. So I gave her a brave smile and a big hug. Now she is gone. I can cry all I want to. I don't feel like doing anything right now. I keep trying to remind myself how fast the time went by when Kati left for college. But that was when I was twelve and then sixteen when she graduated. By the time Karin is done at PCC I'll be 22, 23 if she goes for her Masters Degree. That's a crazy thought and it seems like it will be forever. In three months she'll be home for Christmas, I can survive 3 months (I think) If I'm not around during the holidays you all know why, I'm going to be spending every spare moment with my sister(s). Of course they will probably want to do other stuff so maybe you guys will see me around:)


At 11:59 AM, Blogger Kristi said...

That's a good idea Lydia, only I don't think Karin is allowed to watch that type of movie at PCC, but we still can.

At 12:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about starting a chain reaction, Kimi. The morning Zach left Dad started crying a little, then Mom, then me, and then everyone was crying. I feel like crying right now just thinking about it.
The only thought that comforts me is that Christmas is only 3 months away. I hope we can make it till then!
~Emily A.

At 2:49 PM, Blogger Jillian said...

Karin can't watch POTO at PCC? Wow, is she going to be OK? :-) Karin, I hope you have a great time...even though you can't watch POTO!

At 1:21 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

Guess what? I talked to Karin for a loooong time on Friday! It was so good to hear voice. Her auditions went great and she got the best piano teacher on campus Mrs Jaffe, who is known all around the world! I'm so happy for her.

At 9:40 AM, Blogger Crystal said...

I had been wondering you were all doing with Karin gone. I am sure its tough but it will go by quicker than you think so hold on and call her when you can or e-mail her all the time! Say I haven't ever see POTO but I have been told by various people I have to see it and soon so Anna and Becka and I were planning on getting together to watch it sometime soon...maybe we should make it a larger event and have a girls POTO night sometime???? But be warned I told them they could sing along!

At 11:43 AM, Blogger Kristi said...

Hey Zipporah, thanks for stopping by. You're right about calling her, in fact I think I'll call her right now:)

Crystal, you should most certainly watch POTO. But maybe the first time you see it there should be a no singing along rule. Becka and Anna have such pretty voices that we may end up turning off the movie and listiening to them:) instead!


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