Thursday, March 02, 2006

What is Wrong With Me?

I've been acting so stupid this past week, I think it's time I sought professional help.
Here are a few examples:

I've forgotten to bring lunch to work with me for the past two days.

I stopped in the middle of the stairs for a second and then couldn't remember if I was going up or down.

I got turned around while driving to the mall.

I missed my exit on my way home.

I wasted so much time in the parkade because I couldn't remember on which floor I had parked my car.

I forgot my name when I answered the phone at work.

I ask someone a question and while they are answering me my mind wanders and I don't hear a thing they say, this happened at least 4 times today.

I ran into the same door twice.

Those are just a few of the really dumb things I've done recently. I think someone needs to hit me on the head.....hard.


At 5:50 PM, Blogger hopeful said...

Maybe someone already DID hit you in the head. Or maybe it's stress. I don't know. I'm not professional help so don't take me too seriously. ;-)

Speaking of stopping in the middle of the stairs and forgetting whether you were going up or down, I can understand that. Not long ago I walked by my brother's room and he snagged me to help him with something. When I walked back out the door I had to turn around and ask him which way I was going! I was either going to the bathroom (to get a drink) or coming from the bathroom (having gotten a drink). Alas, he didn't know either! Since I was thirsty, I got a drink. And we'll never know!

I hope this gets better soon and that it is just distraction or stress or something!

At 9:06 PM, Blogger Balvanz said...

Oh my goodness you sound like me!!

At 9:56 AM, Blogger Lydia Lee said...

Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!! *this is me laughing my head off while reading your blog* Oh, Kimi, you just made my day . . . I do stupid stuff like that all the time (although maybe not that much in one week! :D lol) - I spend a lot of my time laughing at how stupid I can be sometimes. I'm so glad I'm not the only airhead out there! ;) Love you, Kims!

At 2:35 PM, Blogger Balvanz said...

Maybe it's a girl thing??

At 9:09 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

Maybe it is a girl thing, although guys can be the same way too you know. ;)

Lydia, trust me, you are so NOT the only airhead out there! In fact I've never once thought of you as one.

oh.....I forgot my lunch again today. I've decided....who needs lunch?

At 10:58 AM, Blogger Lydia Lee said...

Kimi, maybe that's just because you never hear of the airy-headed things I do. An example: one time, when I was waiting to pull out onto the street from a parking lot, I happened to look into my rearview mirror and saw a car approaching. However, I forgot I was looking into my rearview mirror, I thought I was looking straight ahead, and I was like, Oh my goodness that car is going to hit me or one of the other cars in the street! Then I realized the car was behind me not in front of me . . . and yeah, I felt pretty stupid. Not to mention all the times I go to hand customers their check back instead of their receipt or when their change is supposed to be $7, and I only give them $6 . . . okay, I'd better stop now before I give away all my stupidity stories! :P

At 1:55 PM, Blogger Crystal said...

hummm...I was going to ask if you were in love! but I guess that might not be the case since everyone seems to be in your same boat and it can't be that contagious! I do silly stuff sometimes too and it's usually when I have a lot on my mind. You know that Ram memory in our main frames can only handle so much stuff. Maybe it has to do with things going on at home, changes and spring? I don't know but my only advice, from someone with documented short term memory loss, is to start making lists and buy lots of color coded post-it-notes! Bright pink for urgent things, yellow for somewhat urgent and green or blue for things you just need to remember, for example. A bright pink one on your steering wheel that says, "Don't forget to get gas or you will be walking home." for example is one that I have used in the past and it works like a charm! I actually, at one time, had a whole pad of them in my truck that I had written several different phrases such as that on every page and when I knew I was in danger of forgetting to get gas after work I would stick one on my steering wheel when I went in the morning. Worked beautifully! Now I don't forget that much anymore. I am on to other things and lunch is one of them...humm...maybe I need some on the door in the morning before I leave...just might have to try that! :-)
Keep your chin up. I don't think there is anything permanetly wrong with you at this point.

At 12:59 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

Crystal, maybe all of us are in love right now....... :)

The sticky note idea sounds great, although knowing me I'll probably forget to write myself a note about remembering to remember. (That didn't make sense did it?)

Yeah, I forgot my lunch again today and I'm not going home until late tonight. I did find some stale crackers at work. If I get desperate I'll eat those.

At 8:47 PM, Blogger Balvanz said...

I hope I'm not in love...yet. :)

BTW, Kimi, when are you going to post something on your "Lost Woman" blog?


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