There were clounds, it was windy, true it was very warm, but I didn't think I would get this burnt! I suppose I'm just paying the price for beauty, but right now I don't think it is worth it.Saturday, I went to the beach with my friends. We were only there for 4 hours, but I guess 4 hours at a Florida Beach can really fry somebody! We had wonderful time chasing crabs back into their holes and then filling the holes with sand. We also almost stepped on a stingraye....oops. My friend's friend's arm got shredded by a shark, actually I don't think it was that serious, it just looked worse than it really was. I don't mean to sound insensitive or anything, but he is going to be just fine.
I can't believe I'm going to be home in just 5 weeks! This semester has gone by way to fast. I'm excited to come back, but at the same time the thought of not seeing my friends for 3 whole months makes me want burst out crying.....sniff, sniff. Then again, the seeing my family again makes up for it.
Bye for now, I have quizes and tests and projects all due this week and I'm goofing off at a coffee shop! For shame!