Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A conversation between my father and adorable, little brother 8 years ago.

So, tell me Josiah, what do you want to be when you grow up?

Josiah, without a second hesitation:
A pastor!

Yeah? What's your first sermon going to be on?

Josiah, with mischievous eyes and two, huge dimples:

A very happy Valentines Day to you all!

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Lord, You know my heart and all my desires
and the secret things I'll never tell, Lord, You know them well.
Though I may be young, I see and understand that at times,
like sheep, we go astray and things get out of hand.

So I promise to be true to You
to live my life in purity as unto You.
Waiting for the day when I hear You say
"Here is the one I have created just for you."

Until then, O Lord, I will be content
knowing that true love will come someday.
It will only come from You.
'Cause I have seen the suffering
that loneliness can cause
when we choose to give our love away
withough a righteous cause.

So I promise to be true to You
to live my life in purity as unto You.
Waiting for the day when I hear You say
"Here is the one I have created just for you.

Friday, February 03, 2006


The weather forecast tonight is calling for extremely stormy weather with winds up to 65 mph. On the radio they said the worst time will be from 2am - 10am. So all of you partiers make sure you're on your way home by 1:30 at the latest. Seriously though, please be careful tonight.

Also on the news......

Breathing hard burns twice as many calories compared to breathing normal. It also makes you sound like you're having a heart attack.

Sudden, spontaneous singing boosts your immune system by 250%. It also makes the driver in the car next to you look at you as though you've lost your mind. (I think it was because I would start singing really loud and then stop, and then start singing again, over and over....

It rained every day in the month of January except for four. Makes you wish you were with Jill and Aaron down in California.