What is it?
Ever wonder what it is about Starbucks coffee, particularly their vanilla lattes, that taste sooooo good and are far superior to all other kinds? Think about it.Take Cruisin Coffee for example. Now their coffee has a pretty good taste, but it always seems to be a bit cold even if you stress that you would like it extra hot.
Then there is Woods. Now I really, honestly, love Woods coffee, but the taste is off by a smidgen and they are more expensive then the rest.
Seattle's coffee is getting better, but it's just not quite there.
Tully's, well as my Mom puts it Tully's shouldn't even be called coffee.
And then of course there are the lattes that I attempt to make at home with our little coffee machine. Without fail, each time I try to make a latte I end up drinking off the foam and then dumping the rest down the drain, racing upstairs and brushing my teeth for 5 minutes.
Then there is always your corner bakery that serves coffee. I can't believe I went to La Vie En Rose every other day for a whole year thinking that that was what a latte tasted like and they always forgot the whip cream. Mercy was shown on me and a couple of months ago Starbucks opened just up the street from Logos. When I tasted one of their lattes I couldn't believe what I had been missing. So I ask all of you, what is it exactly that makes Starbucks so perfect?