Sunday, May 15, 2005

Good evening all!!

I’m so excited right now!!! The Sonics finally won a game. They are now tied in the series. Luke Ridnour did wonderfully! So did Ray Allen and Antonio Daniels. After the game I was so keyed up I couldn’t sit still so I ran 3 miles on my treadmill. That was awesome! I thought it was wonderful the way Luke gave all the credit to God. Both times the news people asked him to comment on some part of the game he said that it was all because of the Lord. I’m so proud of him for speaking up like that!

Okay, onto other things, as you have noticed most of my postings are not on one topic, but on a bunch of different things. Hope you don’t mind cause that’s how this one is going to be. I guess I’m just not a very gifted writer. Part of the reason I got a blog was just to get practice for the new SAT. UGH! Why did they have to add in a whole new writing section? I thought the old one was just fine.

Anyway, on to other things, this morning Kristi had quite the adventure. First of all she was called into work and only had about an hour to get ready. I had tried to wake her up earlier than that, but I’m afraid she is much like Sleeping Beauty and simply won’t awake. When she finally did get up she was in an awful hurry to get out the door in time. Then the unthinkable happened, our bathroom door upstairs has been a very large pain for a couple of months. It all started when one day I got locked in there, actually I wasn’t really locked the door just wouldn’t open and I wasn’t strong enough to break it down. I ended up being in there for over an hour until my Uncle could come rescue me. You would think we would have learned our lesson and bought a new door, but NO, we did not and the consequences where sad. Kristi was locked in there for a loooooong time. While my Father was getting some tools to break down the door I decided to keep her company. I started singing in a real loud voice “Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen.” Kristi wasn’t to thrilled about the choice of song so I started reading to her and that didn’t go over so great either. I then told her that Mom and Dad decided that this was the type of problem that you if ignore it long enough, it would eventually go away. Yeah, I don’t think I was much help. My Dad finally got the door unlocked and even though we were all a bit late it turned out fine. Kristi even found some hidden curling irons, so she was able to do part of her hair.

I wanted to say something else, but now I totally forget. Oh well, maybe it will come to me later. Has anyone else noticed how much I say the word I? It’s really quite pathetic, It’s okay if you tell me that I’m to consumed with myself. (I really hope I’m not.)

Catch ya’ll at the fields tomorrow, unless of course it’s rained out or something. Don’t worry, this week I am NOT praying for rain. It’s the last game I get to play before becoming an adult!! *YIKES*

BTW, has any else noticed that this post is really, really long? I guess I’m just having fun typing, don’t worry if you don’t want to read it all. My feeling won’t be hurt a bit.

Well, I'm off to visit the Queen, actually I'm just going to go outside. I keep hearing this siren noise and it's starting to freak me out, I really don't like being home alone.
Sizia! (My Aunt taught me that, it means "See ya later" )


At 10:17 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

oh dear...I'm so embarresed.
Yeah, you did have some interesting ways of "helping" this morning. I'll admit it, you *did* make me laugh :D You come up with the craziest stuff sis! What would we do without your unique sense of humor?

At 10:21 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

P.S. lets all chip in and buy a new door. Next time it will be company that will get themselves locked in! And as much as you enjoy entertaining people locked in bathrooms, well, they might not be in good humor to put up with the such!

At 10:13 AM, Blogger Jillian said...

I love your posts Kimi...they make me laugh!

At 11:57 AM, Blogger Balvanz said...

Kimi, I laugh all the way through your posts. You have such a unique way of wandering from topic to topic. You must just type whatever pops into your head. Some of it's just a bit choppy and hard to follow...but it's worth a laugh! See ya tonight!

At 6:14 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

Kristi darling, don't be embarresed. You know how much we all adore you:) Yes! We do need to buy a new door.

Chris, I'm not sure what the siren sounds were all about, though you could be on to something about the aliens.

Abbie and Jill, I'm glad I could make you smile:)

At 1:45 PM, Blogger Jillian said...

I'm rading a good but scary book about aliens called Alien Intrusion. If you want, I can lend it to you so you can ascertain whether or not it was a close encounter.

At 1:45 PM, Blogger Jillian said...


At 9:30 AM, Blogger Jillian said...

Thanks for knocking my choice of reading material Chris. :-) It's actually a "sneaky" book. It starts out all alien encounter stuff, then shows how its all so stupid, lays out evidence for creation, and for a cosmic struggle that really is going on...the powers of this world against the forces of heaven. I'm enjoying it...when I can actually read it. My dad's reading it too, so we have to share.

At 10:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Chris + Caleb

At 2:12 PM, Blogger Kristi said...


At 9:37 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

Soon, very, very soon I'll have something to say. Probably Sunday morning since its my turn to stay home with Grandma.


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